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Blog /Pet Census
Life with Pets September 09, 2020

How life for dogs and cats has changed in the last decade [infographic]

We surveyed more than 13,000 pet parents about their dogs and cats. Discover what we learned about our furry companions in the process.

From June to August, we surveyed more than 13,000 pet parents (representing nearly 25,000 dogs and more than 6,000 cats!) for the 2020 Pet Census. What did we learn?

In a nutshell, pets = family.

If you’re like us, you already knew that was the case. But now we have the data to back it up. For example, here are a few key insights from the 2020 Pet Census:

  • Pet adoptions are up. Nearly 63% of dog parents and 51% of cat parents adopted their pet from a shelter or rescue.
  • Dogs and cats make the best cuddle buddies. As a result, these pets most commonly sleep in bed with their humans.
  • Pets support mental health. Nearly everyone (99% of dog parents and 96% of cat parents) believes their pet has a positive impact on their mental health.
  • “Best friend” is an understatement. The bond with pets is so strong that 72% of dog parents and 32% of cat parents admit they’ve canceled plans to spend time with their pets.
  • Pets are social stars. More than half of pet parents post on social media about their furry family members at least a few times a month. And more than 17% even have dedicated accounts for their pets.
  • DNA testing is more popular than ever! Of the dog parents we surveyed, 67% have done a DNA test for their pet. Have you? Test your pup →

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Check out this infographic for the complete report of pet facts and figures:

Pet Census infographic
Want to share this infographic? We’d love that! When you do, please link to, if possible.

The more we know, the better we care.

We believe that learning more about our furry family members helps us provide better care. (In fact, that’s why we make Wisdom Panel™ dog DNA tests.)

So, if you participated in the 2020 Pet Census, thank you!